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Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement
What is ICHRA
Cost savings, more choice and employer relief from traditional health insurance.
Simply put, an ICHRA is the 401k of health insurance. 401k’s revolutionized the retirement plan market and the ICHRA is poised to do the same for the health insurance market. Why should an employer decide what plans an employee gets? They no longer have to with an ICHRA, the employee decides.
No more open enrollment headaches of raising deductibles, changing co-pays or even changing health insurance carriers. Those days are a thing of the past with an ICHRA. Contact our ICHRA team to learn more!
Why ICHRA through HSAinsurance
Our team knows ICHRA and we have the expertise to guide you through the process from start to finish. We’ve provided ICHRA implementation consultation and guidance to hundreds of brokers in Massachusetts, and assisted thousands of employees with shopping and enrolling in ICHRA coverage.
We will craft the optimal ICHRA solution for you by
OPTIONS ICHRA provides an alternative method for traditional group health coverage with a wide selection of plans and carriers.
FLEXIBLE Employer can design ICHRA plans to suit their specific budget, industry, and employee demographics.
TAX ADVANTAGES Contributions are tax-free for both employers and employees.
PERSONALIZED Employees have the freedom to choose their own individual health insurance plan based on their unique needs and preferences.
PORTABLE The employee owns the benefits. Employees can keep their plan should they lose their ICHRA eligibility.
COST CONTROL Employers can manage and predict healthcare costs more effectively.
More Benefits
Contact our ICHRA Team
781-228-2222 Select Option 4
135 Wood Rd Braintree, MA 02184